
February 25, 2010 by Chris · Leave a Comment 

Logitech signage


Logitech had made a significant investment to sponsor the NHL’s San Jose Sharks. While this sponsorship provided quality assets, Logitech was not fully capitalizing upon this program or activating it effectively. The bottom line was that Logitech had bought too big of a sponsorship for its needs and was not getting the most out its investment.


Sports Strategies was brought on board to evaluate this sponsorship, recommend areas to improve and execute a new activation plan. We immediately developed and launched a plan to fully leverage this sponsorship with improvements including:

  • Re-designing signage to increase visibility on TV broadcasts
  • Created value-added consumer promotion offering free tickets with Logitech purchase
  • Developed account-specific programs to leverage key retailers
  • Incorporated Logitech products in to arena operations, press area and media broadcast booths
  • Initiated hockey-themed employee recognition program using Sharks assets as rewards
  • Re-negotiated contract to reduce investment and secure desired assets for moving forward


Sports Strategies dramatically increased Logitech’s return on investment for this sponsorship. Our involvement now provided consumer, trade and employee programs that allowed this sponsorship to deliver results that had not been achieved before. Additionally, we were able to re-negotiate Logitech’s sponsorship contract moving forward and deliver a well structured and fairly priced program that suited their needs.

Duke’s Taste Tour

February 25, 2010 by Chris · Leave a Comment 

Dukes taste tour trailer


Duke’s Mayonnaise is a Southeastern regional brand and has an impressive share in its core markets. Quite simply, Duke’s Mayonnaise tastes better than the competition. Focus groups have shown that if we can get people to sample the smooth and creamy taste of Duke’s, they’ll make the switch from their current brand and put Duke’s in their kitchen. The challenge was to help introduce Duke’s to new consumers and gain penetration in to growth markets.


To grow the brand, we needed to reach consumers in targeted opportunity markets. Cross-referencing a list of desirable markets, Sports Strategies created a mobile sampling tour that leveraged Duke’s involvement in major sporting events (NASCAR races, SEC Football) as well as heavily attended community events such as festivals, fairs, women’s shows and the like. These sponsorships helped to build brand equity, but most importantly they created the opportunity for people taste foods made with Duke’s, take home samples and learn more about the brand. In addition to attending these large events, the Duke’s Taste Tour also visited local retailers and impacted consumers at their point of purchase.


To date, the Duke’s Taste Tour has visited dozens of major community events introducing the brand to new markets, new consumers and influencing key retailer customers. During an average 10 week span, we’ll distribute approximately 60,000 wet samples so consumers can sample Duke’s taste on the spot. We’ll also distribute up with 200,000+ mini-jar samples and coupons so they can try Duke’s in their own kitchen and save when they go to buy it in the store. The Duke’s Taste Tour has been such a success that it has hit the road for four consecutive years.